Managed By "ASHADEEP"
About School

24 Years, 6 Schools, 30,000 plus students and satisfied parents, 1000 plus achievements & millions of smiles….

  • Our values and peculiarity, which align with our mission statement are integral to crate school culture and climate to realize and achieve our academic educational goals.
  • Education has its base in philosophy and therefore it is a living process which changes from time to time.
  • Education is the culture of body and mind which adapts a child to particular calling providing him/her excellent personal and social life within the frame work. Here the educators function as a friend, Philosopher and Guide to infuse the best in the child. They have to infuse all noble attributes in the child for the betterment and upliftment of humanity.
  • A school is no doubt, is the best place for the child to inculcate Nobel ideas of creativity, moral values, friendship. Co-operation, submission, dignity of labour, patriotism, sincerity and above all scientific approach to life and things.
  • Ashadeep IIT aims at providing the platform to students to develop their best in a congenial and healthy environment so that they can face the trials and tribulations of future and prove themselves as a successful and worthy citizen of the motherland.